Booking Calendars

You can book meetings, events and festival places by using the calendars set out below, or access them from the left hand side of the page. When you access the calendars you will owe that some will be coloured brown:   This will indicate that the day, or part of the day has already been confirmed. You can still try and book on that day.  If there is a pending booking yet to be agreed, the date will be coloured below:

If the box if coloured Brown, you can still try and book a part of the day.  If it is still available you will see a message come up in. green saying it has been successful.

School Booking Sessions

You can book various sessions by choosing from the dropdown. Click here

Platform Hire

This allows to to see when the Platform is available for hire and to submit a request for hiring.  The team will then follow up with further information and contracts.  Click here

You can also use the calculator to get an idea of costs (only estimate as the real cost will be sent to you as a quote) Calculator

Make a Noise Festival

(only available in March of each year.  Choose when you would like to participate (only up to six schools/settings per day – first come, first served). Click here

Roadshow Bookings

Once you have booked your Roadshows through the annual schools booking system, you can select your preferred date and time here: Roadshow booking system