KS1 (5-8 yrs)
How to order services:
Swindon Music Service has a new online order form being launched for academic year 2023-24
Whole Class Ensemble Tuition (WCET)
IN2MUSIC – WCET& Continuation programmes
First Access is a taster module delivered over 15-weeks or 30-weeks of the academic year. The programme ensures that every child can experience enjoyment and success from the very earliest stages of musical learning. Continuation builds on the performance skills, creativity and aural awareness gained through the First Access programme. These programmes ensure progression and support your pupils to progress to the next level. Research has shown that 90% of children accessing whole class instrumental teaching benefit from positive health and wellbeing that also improves social skills.
These programmes are delivered by employed specialist music tutors and not self-employed tutors.
Swindon Music Service offers WCET on the following instrument sets:
- Singing
- Recorder
- African Drums (Djembe)
- Ukulele
WCET is delivered by: Swindon Music Service
More more details and cost, contact Lynn Hawkins: lhawkins@smscio.co.uk
Individual and small group tuition
A continuation progression route from WCET
Swindon Music Service takes a flexible approach to instrumental and vocal lessons offering a range of opportunities for children to access. Lessons are offered in school (during the schools day, subject to headteacher approval), out-of-school at music centre venues, or online lessons. These lessons are mainly offered in 20 or 30 minutes sessions over a 30-weeks of the academic year, but this can be negotiated with the various organisations outlined below.
- Violin, ukulele, acoustic guitar
- Recorder
- Drum kit, piano, keyboard
- Vocal
More more details and cost, contact Lynn Hawkins lhawkins@smscio.co.uk
Schools Voice Festivals at KS1&2
Singing is a unique form of self-expression accessible to all. It promotes self-esteem and emotional well-being, and is a fundamental means of communication. Singing together builds a sense of community, and it is evident in most cultures, celebrations and key moments of life. It is an important part of early learning and development, and is the natural starting point for music-making.
We believe that by providing a comprehensive singing programme in your school we can support your staff in delivering a valuable musical experience for your pupils.
Our annual Voice Music Festivals include CPD for school staff and entry in to the Festival for your pupils
- Junior Voice Festival (usually March of each year with the INSET in January).
- Christmas Voice Festival (usually November of each year with the INSET in September).
Your school will receive a log-in to the songs, lyrics and backing & vocal tracks. Login
Live Music Roadshows
Each year we offer the following live performances in support of your music curriculum:
- Rock & Pop show
- Percussion show
- Wind instruments show
- Strings show
Each show lasts approximately 45 minutes
For more details contact: Lynn Hawkins lhawkins@smscio.co.uk
Once you have booked a roadshow, you can choose an available slot on our calendar. To access the calendar:
Roadshow booking system
We are adding new resources to our site all the time. You can access some free resources or, if you are a hub members school, you can access documents (such as Deep Dive Ofsted), CPD videos and much more. When you become a member school, you can request a login.
Resources for your school Free Resources Login
Curriculum Support
Schools can request support from Swindon Music Service to develop the following:
- School Music Plan (new for the NPME v.2)
- School Music Health check
- Singing Strategy
- Online CPD sessions
- Face-to-face CPD sessions
To book an online or face to face session click here: Booking Calendar
Additional Information
Arts Mark Partner support plan
Model Music Curriculum – SMS Support
How SMS supports the Music National Curriculum KS1