Music Education Works
This site has been produced by Anita Holford and contains some very good research by following the link.
What if Every Child Had Access to Music Education
Anita Collins – talking about how music education works, and asking what would be the potential if the cognitive abilities of a generation were raised, as a result of better access to music education
The power of music – research and evidence
The power of music – Susan Hallam, Institute of Education (2009)
An academically rigorous assessment of evidence from a variety of published research reports
Wow! It’s music next – Bamford & Glinkowski , FMS/DfES (2009)
Snapshot study, eight local authorities delivering Wider Opportunities programme at Key Stage 2
Music teaches skills that business leaders need: 32 CEOs interviewed for their music education stories
Case studies of the transformational power of music, Federation of Music Services
Also, various pieces of evidence from specific programmes eg:
Sing Up Programme evaluation 2007-11
Musical Futures – reports by Ofsted and Susan Hallam/Institude of Education
ImagineNation: The case for cultural learning – Cultural Learning Alliance (2011)
Key Research Findings: The case for cultural learning
“Using only evidence from cohort studies with large sample sizes (12,000+) and research with control groups, the CLA can emphatically say there are instrumental outcomes delivered by cultural learning and these have been grouped into five key research findings.”
Reinvesting in arts education – Winning America’s future through creative schools. President’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities (2011, U.S)
Includes longitudinal data on students ie as pupils and beyond school education
Champions of Change: the impact of the arts on learning – E Fiske, AEP (1999)
Music education in the United States has been under threat for years and various organisations have developed some great resources for advocating music education: (an example from Australia)
For parents specifically:
Research collated by Anita Holford of Writing Services.