Singing Strategies –Tips and Advice
It’s time to update your singing strategy!
Did you know that every school should have a ‘Singing Strategy’ in place? This might be part of your School Music Education Plan or it might be a separate, more focused live document that helps with the planning and ambitions of how your school wishes to embed the inclusive act of singing for the benefit of all your pupils. ou can download guidance and templates to assist you in developing your singing strategy below:
Singing Strategy Template-4-converted
If you have a singing strategy already then this is a great time to review your progress over the past year and celebrate your achievements. It is also a great time to set new aims and plan for events that you might want engage with in the next academic year.
If you do not have a singing strategy then do not panic! This documents above should not be seen as yet another chore to have to add to your list of reporting, assessing, reviewing documents but more of a short plan to help you set out your overall ethos and vision for singing in your school and a helpful way to plan for the work you will be doing from September. It should also help you to celebrate the achievements of this academic year so that you can share this with your teachers, senior leadership team/headteacher, governors and maybe even your pupils’ parents.
Do you class yourself as a singing school?
Do you often find yourself saying to parents, governors etc. that you do lots of singing and that you are a strong school in this area?
Do you know how your school compares to others in terms of your commitment to singing?
Click here to download our checklist which will help to give you a benchmark baseline with which to start from.
Why does singing take place in your school?
Is it purely seen as a fun activity for young people or do you ensure singing happens in your school because you understand the wider benefits of music and singing on the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of your pupils?