On-Line Music Lessons
If you are looking for activities for your child(ren) to do whilst at home and they are interested in instrumental lessons, we can help! For as little as £10 per session, we can delivery on-line tuition to you in your home.
To find out more, click the link at the bottom of our home page.
Music Lessons Cancelled – Saturday 21st March 2020 at The Platform
Due to the governement anouncment we have had to cancel the instrumental lessons at SYM tomorrow (Sat 21st March). We will be in touch shortly to explain how instrumental lessons can continue during this challenging time.
Breaking News: Schools Junior Voice Festivals & Make a Noise Event
Due to the government announcement today about encouraging people not to attend pubs, restaurants and theatres, Swindon Music Service has taken the initiative to cancel the schools Junior Festivals on Wednesday 18th & and Thursday 19th March 2020.
The Make a Noise events scheduled for March 2020 are also cancelled.
If you have purchased tickets, you can request a refund from the Wyvern box office